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Investment Article
From Five Reasons Why Your Real Estate Investments Aren’t Earning You Money

Often times when I tell people I work in the Real Estate industry, and specifically talk about our dedicated investor team that is setup to assist investors with their transactions I get the comment: “I would love to get involved in real estate investment. Do you have any leads?!?”

While we are not in the business of locating houses to invest in, we do have a plethora of knowledge when it comes to buying and selling investment properties, as well as having a ton of great contacts around the region that can help you find the house that is right for you, and get you in contact with people that can assist in financing.

But the real question is it right for you?

Check out the article from that can give you some guidance on real estate investments.

As always, we are here to answer your questions. If you are an established investor and would like to hear more about our real estate investment transaction team and how we can help you with your closings, or are a beginner looking for a place to start, please reach out to me. I would love to hear from you.

– Dave Kennedy